====== Forcing Gmail to send email with zero margins ====== By default, it is not possible to send email with content as backgrounds or images taking up the whole width of email space. However, it is possible to do so with the following little trick. This comes in handy when you want to resend e.g. nicely-formatted Mailchimp e-mail and still retain its full-width layout (recall those wonderful header and footer images with no right- and left- margins!). ===== Solution ===== The procedure consist in directly altering e-mail HTML code before sending it. To do so, you need some browser extension that will allow you to do this. The add-on I used was [[https://support.cloudhq.net/how-to-use-html-editor-for-gmail/|cloudHQ's Free HTML Editor for Gmail]]. So: - Install [[https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/free-html-editor-for-gmai/ioinaaeeacahcmbgfmeaaofhfkijpdeb|Free HTML Editor for Gmail]] Chrome extension - Open the e-mail draft you want to edit. - Click ''Edit as HTML'' icon added by the extension - On the top of the email, write: - The ''