====== Spotify Link Generator: Open track in specific playlist ====== Tool to generate Spotify URI and Spotify Web URL to open track in the context of a specific playlist. ===== Spotify track and playlist ===== ?>

Spotify song

Enter either Spotify song URL, URI, or ID:

Track URL:
Track URI:
Track ID:

Spotify playlist

Enter either Spotify playlist URL, URI, or ID:

Playlist URL:
Playlist URI:
Playlist ID:
===== Generated link ===== ?>
Link URL (to open in web browser):
Link URI (to open in Spotify):
===== Other sources ===== * [[https://community.spotify.com/t5/Other-Partners-Web-Player-etc/URI-to-a-track-within-a-particular-playlist/td-p/1156020|URI to a track within a particular playlist?]] ~~socialite~~ {{tag>tools}} ===== Comments ===== ~~DISQUS~~