Disable OS X Spell Checking – Totally & System-wide

Tired of annoying “red dots” under every single word because your language is not supported by OS X spellchecker? Here's what to do to completely disable it. Systemwide & for ever.


To disable SpellChecker you need to rename folder containing its resource files. Simply open Terminal and write down:

  cd /System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/
  sudo mv Resources Resources_DISABLED

Original source of solution: http://www.chromescreen.com/disable-spell-checker-in-mac-osx-system-wide/

El Capitan Solution

  1. Go to System Preferences → Keyboard → Text
  2. Untick “Correct spelling automatically”
  3. From Spelling dropdown, choose “Set up” and select any single language you do not use
  4. Confirm, go back and select “Automatic by language” from dropdown menu

Original source of solution: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2577594?tstart=0
